The original Miss Jones

Friday 9 January 2009

Through the post .....

Today I had a letter from my opticians to tell me that it had been one year since my last eye test and another one was now due. A standard and ordinary thing to happen.

I read the letter and all was very clear regarding what I had to do to arrange my next eye test. It made much of my being a senior citizen and what benefits I get for being over a certain age. What I could not fathom out was why there was a rubber band tucked inside the letter. My friend was with me as we had just come in after being out for the morning. I said 'What do you think this is for?' and showed her the letter. 'It's to put on your wrist to remind you to make the appointment ' she said. I could not believe it! I said 'Well, it doesn't say so, maybe it got in the letter by mistake'. 'No' said she 'that's what it is for ... to put on your wrist as a reminder to ring them'. I was most put out!

Now who was it that was telling me that 60 years is the new 40 years ? I prefer that version of things! Whatever next ?

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