The original Miss Jones

Sunday 4 January 2009

Sleeping Beauty

When I was compiling my New Years resolutions this year, one was to go to the theatre more often. I did not mean to a pantomime, but that is exactly where I found myself on Saturday night.

Mrs. H had read in an early Blog entry that I hadn't been to a pantomime for years so suggested we go. Another friend joined us and off we went 'tongue in cheek!' It was Brilliant! We laughed, sang, wiggled our bottoms and clapped our way through the whole performance!

The cast were magnificent. My favourite was 'Muddles' who was the 'sop' to the pantomime dame, Nanny Thorogood. What talent ...... what energy! The guy who played the dame was also excellent (Phylip Harries) and SO funny. When 'Morgan the Bad' (Brian Hibbard) came and sang to Mrs. H, my other friend and I were laughing our socks off! We were surprised to see the traditional principal boy was a man, it seems this is usually the case now in the 21st century. When we were children that role was always played by a women, but were delighted to see the tradition of the dame is still going strong. Well worth the price of the ticket and a good evening's entertainment.

There were lots of children there obviously, they all seemed to be having a good time. Sometimes pantos can be overpowering for children who do not understand the concept of joining in and booing, but the crowd last night seemed happy enough. We were surprised at the number of adults, like ourselves, that were unaccompanied by children. I believe that going to a pantomime is a good grounding for children, it is their first introduction to the theatre and if the cast make it fun for them, children want to return. This has to be good and an encouragement to want to return to the theatre as adults.

I think a good time was had by all! Oh yes it was ............!

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