The original Miss Jones

Wednesday 7 January 2009

The Common Cold

Annoyingly, no-one can avoid getting a cold. It is something that happens to all of us. I have a humdinger of a cold , and have had it for nearly three weeks. No matter what I do, it doesn't seem to clear up!

Colds are very common and they occur mainly in the winter months, although I keep reading that the cold weather itself is not the cause of a cold. It is said that limiting contact with those who are cold sufferers can help the risk of catching it, but then another theory is the germs are air bound and are spread by the droplets that are expelled when we cough or sneeze, and that it is all a lottery anyway. We further read that washing your hands after sneezing and coughing will help kill any germs that may be hanging around. However, there are no articles available describing how wretched we all feel when we have these viruses, on how to stay focused and not become paranoid about these infection ever going away!!

My particular cold is almost three weeks old and I am trying hard to remember life without it. I am feeling a real grumpy old geezer tonight. I cannot spread my germs via the Internet and I don't want to spread my misery around ....... but us common cold sufferers can't help it.!!!

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