The original Miss Jones

Saturday 17 January 2009

Atheism on the buses .....?

Bus service in Southwark, London

There was an atheist bus campaign launched last week which I keep reading about. I hope those buses do not come to this City, but as the last report I read was in the 'nightly rag' I guess I am wishing in the wind!

The slogan on the side of the buses reads ' THERE'S PROBABLY NO GOD' . Well I don't understand why this is happening anyway, but why 'probably' no God. The definition of Atheism, according to all my dictionaries is: the belief that there is no God. So, why 'probably'?

Just as Christians and other groups believe that God exists, so atheists believe there is no God. So what is that statement saying. 'We are hedging our bets?' I read that this campaign is organised through the British Humanist Association but exactly why I am not sure. The night I read the article I looked on their website ....yes they have a website .... but it was unavailable due to a 'bandwidth issue'. What is that? I haven't looked since and am not including their web address in my Blog.

So, Probably no God, what does that say about the organisers? Maybe the people that set up this campaign are a bit insecure in their atheist thoughts!

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