The original Miss Jones

Tuesday 13 January 2009

Slimmimg World

I forgot to say last week .... for all of those of you who followed my Weight Watcher dieting efforts last year and the 'Spectacular Failure' after loosing a stone, I am off to have another go! This time it is with Slimming World where there is no converting points to calories and vice verse! I started last Thursday morning and I go ,of course, this Thursday to be weighed. I have made a moderate effort this week, but can do better!

I was listening to Anne Diamond on the radio this morning, who has had a very public battle with weight, and she described weight gain as 'fat being not your fault, but your problem'. I think I agree with that. With all the ingredients that go into our food today and the '4 box syndrome' that is life as she calls it, we don't stand much chance. Anne Diamond says ' We get up in the morning, turn on 'the box', go out on the school run and get in another box this time with wheels, then off home/office to work, switch on another box called a computer, and lastly after eating supper, switch back on the first box for leisure!' No wonder we are an obese nation!

I tend to agree!!

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