The original Miss Jones

Wednesday 11 March 2009

Remarkable Trees.

Davidia Involucrata

After putting my neighbour on her bus yesterday I found myself outside a large second-hand bookshop in the city. I ventured in. I knew I needed two particular books for referencing the bibliography in readiness for my Assessment on 23rd March. One was a book on trees. I needed reference to the Davidia involucarata, (Handkerchief Tree) it was going to be like looking for a needle in a haystack.

I found the section I wanted and picked up a book. I went straight to the index, my enthusiasm waning by the second, then there it was! I quickly looked up the page and there was the most beautiful picture of the 'Handkerchief Tree' that I have ever seen! It had enough text for referencing, so I bought it. (paid more than I should have Hmmm...) I couldn't believe it. The book is called 'Meetings With Remarkable Trees' by Thomas Pakenham. It also contained some information about Yew trees which I also needed, so I was sorted in one fell swoop, all in 7 or 8 minutes. My luck is not normally this good!

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