The original Miss Jones

Tuesday 23 December 2008

Winter Solstice

Daybreak - Winter Solstice over the Bristol Channel

Every year I wait, in my mind, for the 21st December, The Winter Solstice. Why? Because it is the shortest day and the longest night and after it has passed the days, very slowly at first, get longer and I feel we are heading for Spring.

It passed on Sunday and as I have such a wretched cold, I was so immersed in self pity, (not an attractive quality) I forgot about it! Then lying in bed this morning, in the dark, I suddenly realised that it had passed and that from now on the days would gradually get longer and the nights shorter.

The Winter Solstice (also known as Yule) was a pagan celebration and celebrated in Britain long before Christianity. However many of the Winter Solstice customs have now been incorporated into the Christian and Secular celebrations of Christmas.

Isn't it funny how some things that you learn in school spill over into your adult life?

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