The original Miss Jones

Monday 22 December 2008

Robin White Breast?

Robin with a white breast - taken from a television picture.

I sometimes switch on the visual news in the middle of the day and before it comes on I get the tail end of a Magazine programme, whatever is running before the news.

This morning they were talking about an Albino robin, so I stopped to listen. It seems that Albino robins are unheard of in the wild, this one lives on Hampstead Heath! It seems that Bird Watches all over the country have been asking the RSPB to record the number of sightings of this little chap and asking for more information about this visitor.

The RSPB's response has been to tell people to photograph it if they can and 'savour the moment' because it is highly unlikely that another one will come along again ...particularly at Christmas time.

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