The original Miss Jones

Wednesday 3 December 2008

The local nightly paper - again!

I have to say I am getting more & more impressed. I read the 'Letters' page last night and two items came to my attention.

Firstly, (ref my Blog of 1st Dec) about Christmas. A lady had written in and made many of the points I had been making plus a few more. Her letter was headed 'True meaning of Christmas is lost'. She was describing how disappointed she was with the switching on of the Christmas lights event in the city centre and how she had expected it to have some Christian elements such as carols and so on. This apparently was not the case; she felt that the occasion was used by the foot fall of people in the shops rather than people making an effort to go and support the occasion. One carol was heard all evening she says, which was just as well as they would have been deafened by as much noise as possible coming from the stage! She made the point that this season is not party time but Christmas i.e CHRIST-mas. Well done to the person who was bold enough to write to the paper.

Secondly, (ref my Blog of 18th Nov) regarding Caldicot Castle. A guy had written in to say that now Monmouthshire Tory County Council has refused to carry out the repairs on Caldicot Castle that, in his opinion, as they are presently the owners they have a duty to keep the castle in a good state of repair. He goes on to say that apart from St. Mary's Church, the castle is the only remaining visible history of Caldicot. He ended his letter by saying 'I can only assume Monmouthshire County Council would rather raise it to the ground for future redevelopment' Hmm for thought. With my 25 year interest in property development vis-a-vis housing, I shall be watching this issue!

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