The original Miss Jones

Thursday 18 December 2008

Born Again Christians

I spent the lunchtime today with a Born Again Christian. I am just going to record part of the conversation, not comment on it because I don't understand a lot of it.

Born again means Rebirth - namely spiritual birth into the family of God by acceptance of Jesus Christ as personal Lord and saviour. I think this is contrasted with the first birth which we all experience.

My friend says : 'Being born again is a conversion experience which involves a personal and sometimes intense encounter of the individual with the power of God.'

Born again does not involve being baptised in water submersion, nor being filled with the Holy Spirit. Born again Christians are often non-denominational.

Regrettably, after listening for the best part of two hours this is all I understood. I just have one question; why do Born Again Christians have to keep talking about their conversion for long periods of time to the more traditional Christians?

Maybe I would understand more if I got shorter explanations less often?

However, they are very committed people, a credit to their faith.

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