The original Miss Jones

Wednesday 10 December 2008

Christmas Nativity Plays

I had an email from my friend this morning to say she was going to see her 5 year old grandson in his school nativity play today. Another friend went last week to her grandsons. I am glad to hear that they are still going on.

With grandchildren from twenty years downwards to eleven years you can imagine I have done my fair share of this!

When I lived in the Cotswolds, my daughter-in-law rang and said 'J is in the school Christmas play - will you make his costume?' The answer was of course, I have made many a shepherds outfit, and wise men and my eldest son was Angel Gabriel once. I was an old hand at this. Then the second phone call came. ' going to be a cabbage!' That took some imagination I can tell you. However, one Boy Scout green sweater, green tights and hundreds of green serviettes later we made a cabbage. I have photos somewhere, but I am fairly certain they are still in the attic.

This all brought back many happy memories for me. I wish my grandchildren were still small. I obviously peaked too soon .......... having grown up grandchildren at 61 years old!!!

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