The original Miss Jones

Saturday 27 September 2008

An Autumn Afternoon

I went to visit a friend today. It was a misty morning and the drive deep into the country was lovely. A real autumnal day. Autumn is a season of much change, when nature makes preparation for the cold winter months ahead. I love it. When I arrived my friend was in the garden with her camera and as I drove up the drive she appeared from nowhere.....just out of the bushes laughing....... and proceeded to take a photo of me driving in! It was such a surprise I nearly jumped out of my skin, or my driving seat as the case may be!

I got my new camera out straight away and we started taking photos of spider's webs while the mist was still covering them. It was good fun and we both had some success!

After lunch the sun came out and we went to visit my friends local Church which is set in wonderful countryside with fabulous views. We took dozens of photographs there and then sat on a seat in the graveyard, looking at this spectacular view and just talking like only friends can for almost half an hour. It was so peaceful and 'comfortable' there.

We moved on to the nearby convent grounds and continued with our photography project. We then went and visited the Sisters burial ground where we just sat for a short while. All the time the sun was shining and again it was all so peaceful. I thought how comforting it must be for the Sisters to know where their final resting place is going to be, in such beautiful surroundings with nothing but wild flowers marking the spot, and a crucifix nailed to a tree. What a marvellous thought to hold in ones mind as you travel through the winter of your life.

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