The original Miss Jones

Monday 1 June 2009

Heat, bites and lack of concentration ....

These temperatures are great if you have nothing much to do. However, sitting in a classroom, where you can't open the windows due to traffic noise and the once open door has to be closed because of other students accessing the corridor, was no pleasure this morning in college. It wasn't conducive to producing good class work!

Slightly better in the library after lunch with air conditioning, but overall I find these temperatures distracting - me and thousands of others I know! On top of all that I was bitten on the eyelid last evening when sitting by the river. All was well when I put my 'war paint' on to go to college, but by the time I got home my face resembled that of Quasimodo! Avoidance of people for the rest of the day is a must...

We were given our deadline dates for final assessment pieces this morning. This means that hot weather or not, I have some serious studying to do. You forget about all this when you finish full time education, I now understand how my grandchildren feel!

I have identified someone who is willing to do my illustrations for me; all I have to do now is write the story. That will be the easy bit, the hard part comes afterwards - with the editing

Children's writing is extremely difficult, much harder that adult fiction, as there is so many boundaries to stay within. Most of us in this college year thought children's writing would be 'a doddle'. How wrong can you be?

The picture is a pot of petunias I planted earlier in the year. They seem to have blossomed overnight!

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