The original Miss Jones

Saturday 20 June 2009

Stolen - one bell push!

Whatever next? When Miss A came around today, she asked where my doorbell was. When we looked the 'bell press' part that used to sit beside the door, on the wall outside, was gone! It hadn't dropped off as it was not on the floor on anywhere in the vicinity of the house.

It was probably children. Nobody in their sound mind would take the 'bell press'. It is one of those ones that plugs in to an electric socket inside, and when pressed outside it connects. Totally useless to anyone except me

Unfortunately, we live in a world where mindless things like this are all too common, and I have to be thankful that this was such a minor thing. It could have been a lot worse.

A new doorbell is required now. I think I will get one where the outside part is screwed to the wall this time!

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