The original Miss Jones

Friday 5 June 2009

The Anniversary Cross

The Anniversary Cross

I kept my appointment at Church today to photograph the Anniversary Cross (see posting - Sunday 31st May). The Cross has been mounted on the north wall of the Church commemorating 50 years of the re-opening of the Church in 1952, after the fire of 1949.

There are ten Christian images, each one made individually, by a Church group or member according to their talents. They were then joined together to form a large crucifix. It is far more stunning than this photograph, but this was the better image to give the overall view. The Cross dominates the north wall, and is what the eye is drawn to as soon as you sit down in Church, surpassed only by the stain glass windows behind the Alter and the Lady Chapel.

While meeting with the Parish office team this morning, I found myself agreeing to become part of their team. As they were clearly undermanned, it was difficult to say no!

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