The original Miss Jones

Monday 2 February 2009


I have mentioned before in this Blog that we don't get a lot of snow in this area where I live, so this morning when I saw the BBC News of Central London at a standstill with the snow moving South I thought we are bound to get some over the course of the morning, but no we didn't! They have had quite a fall in the valleys so I hear, but that is not unusual.

Cambridgeshire, where I have a lot of good friends, has been badly hit and I have been sent some nice photos via email. Kent and Surrey has also had heavy snowfalls both areas where I have family. I bet my great nieces and nephews are seeing, what is probably their first real snowfall, and having lots of fun. Unlike my own grandchildren who must be pretty miffed today with so many school closures all around them and life goes on as normal for them!

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