The original Miss Jones

Saturday 4 October 2008

Weather stops play!

This is a piece of driftwood down on the Lighthouse Road not far from where I live. It was one of the first digital shots that I did. My friend Miss L and I were going out with cameras this afternoon, but by the time we had eaten our lunch it was raining hard and we had to postpone, so I thought this might remind us of what we couldn't achieve this afternoon!

I had some more computer lessons and had some things explained to me, that if things don't work it is not necessarily my fault. We think there is a fault on Blog spot this weekend. Neither of us can post photographs on the right hand side of our Blogs. I have been berating myself that I am doing it all wrong, but seems I am not. That's me all confidence in myself.

We went to visit some other friends of mine instead, Mrs H and the lovely Ms A, it was nice to see my friends altogether.

Our photo session will have to wait for better weather, but one of the daily papers said not to hope for an Indian summer in October that we are more likely to get snow and bitterly cold weather. It is not April so it can't be an April Fool, that means it probably will be so. Ugh.....for such a beautiful country why is the weather so rotten?

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