The original Miss Jones

Friday 3 October 2008

19th Century Miss Jones

The picture on the right titled 'The Original Miss Jones' is not strictly correct. It is in as much as I used the name for my 'Blog Handle' after this lady, but she was not the first Miss Jones in my living memory. Her mother was Miss Jones (before my time) and married a Jones therefore becoming Mrs. Jones as did two of her three sisters. This is where I get the interest in the name from....all this Jones family history. We lived with nanny Jones (above), she was the matriarch of our family, a formidable lady, who one went out of their way not to cross, including me as a child and teenager!

The definition of the surname Jones is 'Son of John' (God has favoured or gift of God). It is the most common surname in Wales. The origin of the surname is Welsh, however Johnson is a common English version of this name.

I am thinking of researching family history this winter, but I don't think it will be this side of the family as Jones might be too confusing to research as the above information shows. I will probably research my own maiden name, fairly uncommon therefore easier to trace I should imagine.

A few years back, when my marriage broke up I thought about changing my surname to Jones, but life and circumstance got in the way and I didn't do it, now I have lost the urge, along with some of the bitterness toward the sudden ending of my marriage, and I guess it will now never be, that is largely why I choose it for my Blog.

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