The original Miss Jones

Sunday 2 August 2009

Plastic Confetti?

The throwing of confetti is one of the most well-known of wedding traditions, although the custom had been in decline recently, largely because Churches and other venues do not like the mess. Confetti traditionally is small, thin pieces of paper - usually shaped and coloured - that are thrown at the bride and groom after a wedding.

When I got to Church this evening, there had been confetti thrown after the wedding which took place this afternoon. It was plastic confetti! I have seen everything now. They were quite large shapes and felt quite hard. The first thing that came to my mind was that they are not bio-degradable, but I should imagine it could do some damage if it caught you in the face or the eye even.

I sound like one of those killjoys whom I loath, that have a reason for people not to do anything. This is not like that at all, I just thought it was irresponsible. On a more practical note, our Vicar who is on holiday, will return and see all this in the Churchyard. He is one of those Vicars that allows the traditional throwing of confetti. I wonder what he will say about the plastic stuff that will be embedded in the grass for a long time to come. Some people give these issues no thought do they?

When in the 1890's confetti became popular at society weddings and soon went into mass production, who would have thought that it would become such a divisive issue in years to come? Messy paper stuff or hard plastic it's becoming controversial. Such a pity - I like to see the small paper stuff blowing about on a wedding day. It's - well - Traditional!

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