The original Miss Jones

Sunday 30 August 2009

A birthday celebration!

A spectacular display of fireworks finished off the evening at the family celebration last night. We were all gathered together to celebrate the fifth birthday of one of my little great nieces who was born in Wales. They say a star does not die without getting noticed; well the second half of this firework display might have frightened the starts half to death! They were very pretty, super, but also loud. I bet we were popular with the neighbours!!! My brother-in-law told me afterwards that the most spectacular of the fireworks were the cheaper ones of all the ones he had bought. Isn't this often the case?

It was a super afternoon and evening, just 22 of us in all, including the four little ones and some of my own grandchildren, a nice enough number to still appreciate socialising, conversation and a sense of 'being together' in recreation. My sister and I spent some of the time preparing and cooking before the others arrived, and my nephews were putting up colourful decorations in the form of balloons and streamers. A birthday cake duly arrives and candles were place. This, much later, was brought into the room for the Birthday Girl to blow out her candles (with a little help from her cousins who needed to get in on the act!).

Driving home at 1am this morning was a quiet and thought provoking time with virtually no traffic about until I reached the outskirts of the city. It was a reflective and peaceful time.

This afternoon there is a Family Fun Day locally, held jointly by the Police and local Churches, to promote recreation for young people. I am supposed to be manning a stall with the vicar’s wife, but as this is an open-air stall I don't know if it will be running in the rain. It's raining at the moment, so watch this space folks!

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