The original Miss Jones

Friday 7 August 2009

Horse Fly bites!

While out taking these photos at the beach yesterday I was bitten by a Horse Fly. They are real pests for the bites they inflict. I was told earlier today that the Horse fly is able to bite through a light garment, which is what must have happened to me, as I can assure you blog followers, I was not flashing my legs in a swimsuit yesterday, just combing the beach.

The tops of my legs are itching like crazy today and will continue to do so for a few days before gradually subsiding I suspect.

I have had these things bite me on previous occasions and it is painful. Someone in the office said that the horse fly is a sort of mutant mosquito. Now I am unsure about this, but I do know the itching is severe. I have been dousing the bites with vinegar all day, I must smell like a Fish & Chip shop - a bath next I think!

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