The original Miss Jones

Sunday 30 August 2009

Binding together.

Invitations from the Church in Wales

The Church in Wales invitations for 'Back to Church' Sunday were given out this morning. This all happens on Sunday on 27th September. Anglican churchgoers are preparing to invite thousands of people 'back to Church' thereby joining in the UK-wide evangelism event.

The Family Fun Day this afternoon (which did go ahead) is all part of a big initiative to bring the Church and the local communities together; it's also part of the mission mandate for our Church. Today was a forerunner for the commencement of Street Pastors in the city and the aforementioned event on 27th September.

These are huge urban challenges for us, as sadly there is little influence from the Church in the daily lives of the communities in cities all over the UK. This is sadly not a local issue but a world wide issue. The event this afternoon wasn't terribly encouraging, not in the sense of lack of support for the fun events, but certainly there was a palpable disinterest in anything 'Church'. It leaves me wondering how successful any of the initiatives will be, but as Christians we have to try; if we don't, then the question is raised 'What's the Church is doing'?

I don't know the answer as to how we get a wider acceptance of the Church within a community, but I personally feel the Church is a solid foundation for my own generation, but what will happen to future generations? This is why it is important to keep trying to make the general public more aware of the human face of Christians, not just the Sunday 'do gooders' that, sadly, is all they see.

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