The original Miss Jones

Wednesday 19 August 2009

Family History

Miss L and I spent the morning in the County Records Office. When I agreed to help her with her searches I didn't think I would find it fascinating! One of her hobbies is Family History, so we found ourselves in a 'search room' in the CRO, looking through numerous listings which the staff there make available to you. This service is actually FREE! We were looking for information about people who resided in the geographic area of the former County of Monmouthshire.

We eventually got some of the information Miss L was searching for. I left after three hours or so but Miss L stayed on and ultimately got what she wanted, which will enable her to go forth to the next part of her research.

I admire her tenacity, I couldn't do it. I am not sure whether I haven't got the patience or simply don't have enough interest in my ancestors. Either way I believe that it becomes a hobby somewhere along the line, which is fine, but it's not for everyone, like all other hobbies, it's an individual thing, personal to yourself.

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