The original Miss Jones

Sunday 23 August 2009

Christmas Crackers!

This weekend I felt as though I had been whisked up from my life, probably by an alien from DR. WHO and planted back down again four months in the future! Ms.A and myself walked into a pub Saturday night to be greeted by some very skimpy skirted Santas, a beautifully Christmas decorated pub, a Christmas tree with presents underneath and plenty of Holly and Mistletoe.

No. I haven't lost the plot - but I thought I had Saturday night. There we were dressed in our short-sleeved summer outfits, admiring the beautiful hanging baskets outside and we simply stepped inside, into another world. I am one of these people who tear my hair out because of early advertising and piped Christmas carols in September. It was still August wasn't it - well I thought it was when I left home? All this should come after Harvest Festival, after bonfire night and ducking apple night. Logical, yes, but when was capitalism ever logical I ask myself?

Soooooo, Ms A asked at the bar what on earth was going on? A Charity event. This soothed our thinking no end, and our sanity! We were given rather smart Christmas hats to put on and if we took them off we had to pay a fine. It was a fund raising event for the Church next door. We were both okay with that and entered into the spirit of the evening - or Christmas - however you want to look at it! We had a really good evening actually, there were two guys there, mature in age, just like us, playing sixties music which is why we had gone there in the first place! We had a super evening.

Then when I got to Church this morning, the chap that has been helping me with my nativity project had put the finishing touches to my stable (see picture below). This is the basic thing; I now have to decorate it, which is the next step

So what with Christmas festivities Saturday evening and my stable making it's debut in Church today, it's been a real Christmassy weekend. For someone who doesn't even like the Christmas season, I thought I handled it all very well.

Now back to August, a summer Songs of Praise in Church this evening - that's more like it!!!

P.S It was dark when we left the pub and it was extraordinary to see it from the outside with Christmas trees twinkling inside and beautiful hanging baskets in full flower cascading down the walls outside - and I didn't have my camera with me!

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