The original Miss Jones

Friday 24 July 2009

A Poetry Book

My morning at the Parish office was slow. People on holiday, people out weekend shopping, all the summer weddings booked, not a lot going on which left me at a bit of a loose end. There was a book on the desk, I had not seen it before, so I guessed it had been left behind by a previous incumbent of the office earlier in the week.

It was a Poetry book of all things. 'A Collection of Poems by Philip Larkin'. Regular followers of this blog know my thinking on poetry. I leafed through the pages. I found one I liked. I read it, and thought I might like to know more about this guy Philip Larkin. (That's him pictured above).

One poem that jumped out at me:

Church Going.

Once I am sure there is nothing going on, I step inside

Letting the door thud shut.

Another Church: matting, seats and stone

and little books ..........

Now here is something I understand, something I can read. I will read some of his work over the summer and then maybe, just maybe, I can pick up some enthusiasm for September's course?

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