The original Miss Jones

Sunday 5 July 2009

Barley Wood Walled Garden Pottery.

I went back to Barley Wood Walled Garden Pottery today to pick up the pots I made some weeks earlier. (see blog of 6th June 2009) I was thrilled to bits with the results. The bowl above was the first pot I have ever thrown on a wheel and I am chuffed to beans with the result.

The above piece is a gargoyle, created by yours truly! I suppose he could be a lot more ugly, but this piece still has to be painted, and I didn't fancy any more 'nooks and crannies' in his face as it will be hard enough to decorate as it is!!! We made four pieces in all and the other two are not bad either. I would call that venture a success.

We had lunch again in the lovely Walled Garden Cafe, which was delicious, and friend A and I just sat there drinking our real Somerset Dandelion and Burdock, just absorbing the views. What a super weekend I have had, that's two in a row. There must be a grey cloud on the horizon somewhere soon!

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