The original Miss Jones

Thursday 9 July 2009

Organ Recital.

The concert I went to tonight was held in order to raise money for the Organ Fund. It seems our Church organ is due for a service and we have to raise the money to service it. Sadly, it won't be from tonight's concert. There were very few people in the audience, and although the visiting Choir gave their talents for free, we had to pay for their transport, so I doubt there was very much money made for the fund. I think it was too soon after the Gwent Police concert, that was only a few weeks ago. Also we are right in the middle of the holiday season. It was very good though, the ladies choir had a very good repatoir.

The highlight for me was our organist who gave organ recitals in the middle of each half of the programme. He played spectacularly. The music he played was as follows:

Toccatina for flute - Yon
Tocatta from symphony no.5 - Widor

Tocatta & Fugue in D minor - Bach
Excerpt from the Organ Symphony - Saint Saens.

Needless to say he had a standing ovation. No wonders he plays at St. Davids.

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