The original Miss Jones

Wednesday 1 April 2009

All Fools Day.

Youngest son - b. April 1st 1971
Happy Birthday my son. 38 years today. The big 40 is in view, you will be catching up with your brother!

My youngest son - pictured above aged 2 years - was born on All Fools Day, a fact for which I have never been forgiven. It was not my intention to give him this birthday, he was due on April 8th, but nature took over! No matter how much we tried to explain that 'April Fool' is until midday only and that he was born at 3.20pm in the afternoon, it has not mollified him at all!

Although 'All Fools day' is celebrated in many countries, its origin is not clear. The popular theory is that it was first celebrated soon after the adoption of the Gregorian calendar and the term 'April Fool' referred to someone who still adhered to the Julian calendar. Whether this is true or just a myth I do not know, but what I am sure of is that my son would have preferred to celebrate his birthday on any other day. It doesn't bother him now of course, but as a child he was teased mercifully about his birth date!

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