The original Miss Jones

Tuesday 7 April 2009

Sargy Mann - Artist.

Landscape - Sargy Mann

My fledgling interest in Art has been neglected somewhat over the past few months due to the Writing Course. That finished on Monday for two weeks, which means I really must do some other things.

When I was at my sister and brother-in-law's on the weekend they had a very vibrant picture on their dining room wall. It had once belonged to the writer Iris Murdoch. I took an instant liking to this painting and was told the story of how they acquired the picture and a bit about the artist himself.

I decided to look up his work on the Internet and, indeed all his paintings are as vibrant as theirs is. There is a marvellous mix of colour, brilliant oranges and yellows on pale backgrounds, really dazzling the observer with a festival of colour. I would love to own one, but a bit out of my price range I think! The amazing thing is that Sargy Mann was blind. The majority of his paintings were done after he became blind. His paintings were done totally on his memory of colours.

Black shed, Pink cushion, Orange roof - Sargy Mann.

The two pictures I have chosen for the Blog are the ones I like best, but there are four or five I like equally as well. What an amazing gift for a blind man; to be able to paint like this.

Have just be told by my beautiful grand-daughter that she is not returning to Britain to live, that she will stay and make her home in Australia with her new Australian partner. I am very sad for me and delighted for her.
Lots of Love & Luck from your Gran.

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