The original Miss Jones

Wednesday 1 April 2009

End of Term - Pottery.

This 3 months has gone so quickly, I can hardly believe it. Above is my wall plaque which was glazed today and ready for firing. I am not very good at painting, but the glaze will hide a multitude of sins!

This is the next stage of building my Clarice Cliff teapot. The spout is complete and the pot part is being constructed. This has been double packed with wet sponges for me to complete next term. I have had an offer of help with the decoration when the time comes, but there is a long way 'twix cup and lip' as they say!

My 'two tone' bowls and my tiny hot water bottles are all in the various stages ready to be completed next term also. I am looking forward to it all. I have enjoyed this course immensely, to be recommended if you have even the slightest interest!

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