The original Miss Jones

Tuesday 15 September 2009

Pre conceived ideas.

Goff Morgan. Poet, Boadcaster, Tutor - in that order!
Caricature of Goff Morgan from his Blog.

I don't usually pre-judge people, but when I was introduced to my tutor for this term (see caricature above) in July I did exactly that. I got it wrong. This guy is witty, intelligent and very personable. As the Autumn term commenced this morning I realised what a charismatic, talented young man he is. He doesn't like 'academic speak', and hates jargon (what a bonus!). With his larger than life personality and his Hawaiian shirts, he is quite delightful.

I was contemplating a panic attack five minutes before the class commenced, I was the only woman there. Now, I can hold my own with any man on a one to one basis, and would much prefer a man's company to a woman's any day, but eight of them and me? That was a bit overwhelming! Alas, just as we were about to commence two more women turned up!

With the predominately male class we commenced and what an eclectic mix it proved to be. The whole morning was vibrant, challenging and alive. This is great stuff. I have gone from fear and trembling with my inability to swoon over poetry, to feeling maybe I can hold my own. I am never going to be great in this subject as I am not keen on this aspect of the arts, but I will try and get the best mark I can, and think I may have an enjoyable journey along the way to achieving it.

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