The original Miss Jones

Thursday 6 November 2008

A Tonight Special - ITV 1

Tonight I watched a programme on ITV, introduced by Sir Trevor McDonald, about Sarah Ferguson's involvement with underprivileged children in Europe.

I found this incredibly moving and unforgivable that there are hundreds of children in this modern society in 2008, in Romania which is a part of the European Union, where children are being tied to their beds, in orphanages with up to 700 children in one building, so stinking that the feces could be smelled from outside. One child who was deaf and blind was slowly eating his own nappy.

The EU flag was flying outside next to the Romanian flag.

I did not know that this Sarah Ferguson had been working with under privileged children for 15 years and is trying to raise money to improve conditions, of which this film is one of her projects.

The report covered the same conditions in Turkey. I have been on holiday to Turkey twice and had just accepted it as a holiday destination. Travel brochures say that every part of Turkey is a hugely rewarding experience. I am not sure if Turkey is part of the EU yet but the EU and our own Government MUST take action and insist that Turkey make substantial changes to the lives of those in their care before acceptance.

What a moving Documentary. I have never been a fan of Sarah Ferguson but seeing what she is trying to do will make me revise my thoughts.

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