The original Miss Jones

Saturday 16 January 2010

Caring for the Birds.

The savage winter we have been experiencing is pushing Britain's wildlife to the brink of a crisis. Appeals made on TV recently to feed birds and help them survive in this cold snap can make the difference between life and death in many cases.

At another recent visit to the Wetlands, my second in just over a week, we were speaking to the staff about this issue. They are walking the thirty acre site to distribute food for the birds who cannot forage for food in the usual manner.

These pictures show iced over waters, ten days after the first fall of snow, but we can all do our bit. Grated breadcrumbs, nuts etc. can be left out, preferably on walls or roofs, can help birds obtain food. Often food just thrown onto the garden is taken by animals that live above the ground, so to put it somewhere accessible to the birds is essential.

It's thawing here in the city today and raining quite heavily as I write, so maybe the worst is over for now. I am told another cold snap is forecast, if this happens look out for the birds Blog followers!

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