The original Miss Jones

Thursday 19 November 2009

Local Pottery Class

Me and my young pottery friend tried out a local pottery class last night. Feeling pretty fed up with the Local Authority class we are currently attending, we decided to try one more local (well, local to me that is) class.

It was pretty good, different ideas and certainly more tuition, which is why we went, and a mixed class; men and women, which is always better in any adult education class. I have never been one for moving around with a gaggle of women - I get bored with that!

We managed to make two item each last night, under guidance, which we don't do at the regular pottery class. We were given suggestion as to what to do and shown examples, again this is not done in the Risca class. The cost however is greater, but then I suppose it's the old adage 'you get what you pay for'! There were lots of paints to choose from, colours galore, and we learned last night that there are many types of clay, which after ten months at Risca we thought there were only two or three!

What does that say about local council tuition? It needs to step up it's act. They say there is no money for local authority education, but I get masses of literature through the post from Risca. Who pays for the producing and printing, much less the postage and admin time of this advertising blurb that goes straight into the bin?

More attention should be paid to provision of supplies in these classes and the quality if the tuition. Lets have less focus on advertising a class that does not do what it says on the tin! To me it is all the wrong way around!

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