The original Miss Jones

Sunday 1 November 2009

Halloween & Pottery

Halloween was spent with the girls from pottery class who came to my place for the day to practice some pottery. This is my effort (pictured above) just a small occasional dish. We rely on our pottery tutors goodwill to let us do the firing in class. It was an enjoyable day and my friends had not long left for their various homes when the doorbell started ringing and the 'Trick or Treat' children were out and about. This year was not too bad as they were younger children all accompanied by mums and dads, but other years I have had some very sinister looking teenagers knocking the door and I don't like that. It's quite a threatening thing when you live alone.
The house across the road actually decorated the house externally for Halloween, I have never seen that done before in the UK. They had orange and brown fresh flowers laid on their windowsill outside. When the children went 'Trick or Treating' in the evening, a bunch of theses flowers were left on the doorsteps of the people who did not give them sweets or fruit!
This is all big business now. I have spent Halloween in America in the past, and it is very big over there. This country is sadly becoming more and more like the American style celebration. When I was a girl in the Welsh valleys, and my children youngsters in Newport, we had Ducking/Bobbing Apple night. This involved fishing apples out of a bowl of water with your mouth! Far more satisfying than walking around the streets dressed up as skeletons, scaring people and asking them for 'goodies' in my opinion!

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