The original Miss Jones

Friday 13 November 2009

A Day in London.

Having had a delightful day in London yesterday with a friend I decided that my poem for poetry homework this week would be about City rain. For most part of the time we had a dry, if somewhat damp day, but when it started to rain, it poured down. We, of course. did not have umbrellas.
'We can pick up an umbrella in a £1 shop', said my friend before commencing our journey. Well, I can assure you blog followers, there are no £1 shops in Knightsbridge!

Despite the pouring rain and the huge crowds, walking down Oxford Street in the rain, in the heart of this throbbing city made me feel alive. I was glad to be back. I have not been to London since the break up of my marriage, when I spent a huge amount of time there. I thought it may make me nostalgic, or thoughtful at the very least - it didn't. I am just glad I survived that period and will continue to visit London, and many other places for a long time to come I hope!

Now - to put pen to paper on my thought for a Free Verse poem about 'City Rain'.

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