The owl pictured opposite was made in my kitchen today, but not by me - but by Miss Music. (so called for the purpose of this blog because she is a piano teacher) We started pottery together back in January. Miss Music came for the day and we duly set up a pottery studio in my kitchen which quickly spread into rear garden. It was all good fun, but the sheep I was trying to make did not work out, so I ended up with just another bog standard bowl! Miss Music however, had more success with her owl.
These pottery days are innovative and useful practice, but they are hard work when you are doing it at home - there is so much cleaning up to do!
MU tonight, I really didn't feel like going, but then I never do . The curate was speaking tonight, she was very good. She was a solicitor before she went into the Church (this is quite common among solicitors - I wonder why?) and she spoke about the law in relation to Canon law. (the Church legal system) It was interesting. She spoke about the age old differences between Church and State, a subject in which she was quite knowledgeable. Then the subject came around to Church traditions, good and bad, and I said that I had to be *'churched' after my eldest son was born. She was amazed that this was still going on in 1967. I, and many others there this evening were subjected to this awful ritual. We were relieved to hear that this practice ceased in the Church of England in the 1940's but no one, including the curate, knew why it was abolished so late in the century in the Church in Wales.
Our vicar is back in work after his mini-stroke, well back in the Parish at least. As he cannot drive for a month his duties are limited, but it's good to know he is on the mend.
* To be 'churched' - to bring a woman to Church after childbirth to be cleansed and forgiven for her sin.
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