The original Miss Jones

Sunday, 28 December 2008

'Bah Humbug' - for a day!

Christmas tree at Tredegar House - not mine unfortunately!

While I am not a huge fan of the Christmas razzmatazz neither am I a 'spoilsport' about it. However today, I have been a real misery about my Christmas tree, this feeling has been building up for days. You see my real, once fresh Christmas tree is shedding it's needles as if they are going out of fashion!

I have brushed and hoovered, shaken rugs and generally tried to find some enthusiasm for the wilting tree. I have tried convincing myself the tree is lovely and it smells good, I've moved it and talked to it, but still the needles come raining down! So today was the day - IT HAD TO GO!

I got up fairly early and started immediately so that I would not changed my mind; as soon as I took the first bauble off there was no going back, I had induced an avalanche! I thoroughly dislike this laminate flooring in my living room, but today it was just the right medium. It meant that I could sweep the needles into a pile and scoop them up with a dustpan and brush (well dozens of dustpans full actually). I dusted the ornaments and packed them away, returned the Star to it's tissue paper home and then I started to wilt, so I phoned my friend Mrs. H for a chat and some encouragement!

When it was finally all done and the sitting room returned to it's cosy normality ....... I felt sad .... I missed it, the scraggy old half dead thing that it was, for it represented Christmas.

Better luck next year maybe?

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