A cross of ashes.Lent is the season of Sacrifice, Prayer and Almsgiving before Easter Sunday. The next six weeks or so are my absolute favourite time in the Church calendar, a special time, culminating in the celebration of our Lord raising from the dead. These 40 days of Lent leading up to Easter Sunday is when I personally focus the most on Christian issues. Western Christians are asked to prepare for Lent on the last Sunday before Ash Wednesday which is today.
Today Christians will be listing their resolutions for Lent and preparing themselves spiritually, I suspect, for the next six weeks. Last year I resolved to give up sweet things and will do the same again this year ....... and hopefully suceed again!
In a Church publication I picked up this morning it said that 'Traditionally the almsgiving for Christians may include donating food, toys and other supplies to a local Charity and becoming involved with Charitable work with the Church'. This is something we can all do, not just regular Church goers. Of course regular prayer and attendance is also part of the daily Lent experience for Christians as they attempt to listen to the Holy Spirit within, ask for forgiveness for past transgressions and strengthen their faith.
So we prepare for Ash Wednesday when we will be signed with the cross on our foreheads, an ancient tradition still carried out, with ashes from the burned palm crosses from the previous year. What a challenge this all is, I just hope I am up to it.